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Parent Child book club 

The first and only book club of its kind in Monaco

Our book club aims to show children that who they are and what they can achieve should not be determined by their physical identity . We hope to show the children that girls can be scientists, writers, engineers, CEO's and that's its not only ok but beneficial for boys to be caring, considerate and emotional.

The Parent-Child Book Club also aims to introduce children to the stories and lives of people from across the globe. The world we live in is more and more diverse and also in Monaco, there is a wide range of nationalities, cultures and identities. It is therefore important that children are able to discover their world but also their identity through the books they read. 

Parent-Son Book Club


We often talk about the damaging effects gender stereotypes have on girls, but seldom about those facing young boys. For boys, there is a very narrow idea of masculinity and what it means to “be a man”; the joker, the sporty type or the tough one. Sadly, boys are increasingly faced with the idea that they cannot cry or if they do, they are “crying like a girl”. Such responses can make them suppress their emotions in an unhealthy way, which can lead to violent, destructive outbursts in their behaviour, it also teaches them that women and girls are weak and “less” than them. We live in a world where men and women cohabit in all parts of life, work, school and in the home and hence it is vital that boys understand themselves in order to better respect one another.


The Parent-Son Book Club aims to teach boys that there are in fact many ways that they can express themselves positively, that being emotional and caring is a sign of strength and that they are equal to girls. We hope to redefine the ways boys see themselves as future leaders, and aim to help them understand that leadership is less about dominance over another and more about, listening, understanding and being empathetic, so they can best inspire and set examples for others.  

Parent-Daughter Book Club


Our sessions will now focus on the different stories of women from past and present from the 'Good Night stories for Rebel Stories'

Each session will focus on a selection of women whose achievements will be use to teach the young girls important lessons about life, such as ambition, trust, perseverance, self love and responsibility. 



We run six book club sessions per school calendar year for 8 to 13 year olds 

- each session runs from 17h00-18h30 at the Maison des Association in Monaco

- light, healthy snacks and water will be provided 

- children are required to bring their own copy of the book for each session 

- each child must also bring an A5 workbook with them to store activities from each session 

- a maximum of six children per session 

**MARK YOU CALENDARS!! Dates for the 2023-24 academic year below**

For girls aged 8-13 (we can be flexible regarding ages, email us to know more): 

Times: 17.00 - 18.30 

Dates: Tuesdays 26 September, 14 November, 28 November 2023 and 16 January, 6 February and 19 March 2024. 

To register please email

"It's a fabulous group that I wish every girl could attend and every boy too! Great work team! Thank you so much from my daughter and I." 
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© 2022

SheCanHeCan is a Monaco-based organisation that aims to inspire and support girls to take leadership roles. We encourage girls and boys to challenge deeply-held, life-limiting gender stereotypes and to realise their full potential, independent of their gender. SheCanHeCan also works to recognize the achievements and contributions of great female leaders throughout herstory.

By looking back, we can inspire the future.

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